Imperial Harvest

On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus disembarked his ship in the Bahamas and set into action a chain of events that would leave the world irrevocably changed. In the years after his arrival, Columbus and the later Conquistadores wiped out entire civilizations and transferred fauna, flora, diseases, ideas, and technologies between the Old and New Worlds. Needless to say, the impact was devastating. The Europeans killed more Native Americans indirectly through disease than with their own arms. Indigenous species were outcompeted by newcomers. And the transfer of foodstuffs crucially changed people’s diets, even across the farthest reaches of the planet. In the field of history, this process has become to be known as “The Columbian Exchange”.

This photo series explores the impact of this encounter through the eyes of the foods that crossed the oceans.

2023 | Shortlisted for the World Food Photography Awards - Category “Food Politics”

2019 | J. Mane Gallery | Second place award in the EAT! Art Exhibition

2019 | Wotisart Magazine | Featured Artists